About DADA …

DADA – the Derby Athletics Development Association was formed to Organise, develop and deliver local athletics opportunities through competitions, events and fundraising to support volunteers in athletics.

As a voluntary organisation, we are always on the look-out for people who can help with our events
If you would like to help out by offering some of your time, please get in touch with us via the ‘Contact’ page – thankyou!

A big shout out to Rob Jefferies from The Derby Runner who has kindly supplied our numbered bibs! – many thanks

We are BACK – we now have in place the required admin support to allow us to carry on this season, however we are making a couple of changes for our remaining events of 2024 so we are in a better place for the following year!

1. We are cutting back to just 3 more events
2. These will be purely track events, at this moment in time we cannot offer field or quadkids events

3. These can now be entered online using the Sports Soft entry system … links to entry will be in the ‘Entry’ tab above

Next Event …